Q; as a day care worker,you should be familiar with the development of children. Which one of the following items is a developmental achievement of a two-month-old infant?

A.rolling from site to back B.eruption of teeth C. good control of head D.turning toward the source of sound

My answer A but it also can be D
please hellp me

A is the best answer. A newborn often turns toward the source of sound.

which of the following are the three major types of knowledge identified by piaget

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the typical developmental milestones of a two-month-old infant.

At around two months of age, infants are typically able to do the following:

1. Rolling from side to back: This skill usually develops between the ages of four and six months. So, rolling from side to back is not a developmental achievement of a two-month-old infant. Option A is incorrect.

2. Eruption of teeth: The eruption of teeth, also known as teething, usually begins between the ages of four and seven months. So, the eruption of teeth is not a developmental achievement of a two-month-old infant. Option B is incorrect.

3. Good control of head: By two months old, infants typically have gained some control over their head movements, and they can lift their heads briefly when lying on their stomachs. This control gradually improves over time. So, having good control of the head is a developmental achievement of a two-month-old infant. Option C could be a possibility.

4. Turning toward the source of sound: By two months old, babies are usually able to turn their heads toward sounds and locate the source of the sound. This is a natural response and an essential developmental achievement at this age. Option D could also be a possibility.

Based on the information provided, both option C (good control of head) and option D (turning toward the source of sound) could be considered developmental achievements of a two-month-old infant.

It would be ideal to consult additional resources or a pediatrician for a definitive answer and more accurate information specific to child development.