Please tell me where I could get the summary of "Eyes on the prize, promised land 1967-1968. Its homeork where can I get it. Thanks!,+promised+land+1967-1968

I don't know if there's a summary. You should probably read it all for yourself.

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To find a summary of the documentary series "Eyes on the Prize: Promised Land 1967-1968," there are a few places you can look:

1. Online Streaming Platforms: Check if the documentary series is available on popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, or YouTube. These platforms may have episode summaries or even written descriptions of the series.

2. Official Website: Visit the official website of "Eyes on the Prize" or the production company that created it. They may have detailed information about each episode, including summaries.

3. Educational Websites: Look for educational websites or databases that specialize in historical content. Websites like PBS LearningMedia,, or academic platforms like JSTOR may have summaries or study guides related to the documentary series.

4. Libraries: Visit your local library and inquire if they have the documentary series available in their audiovisual collection. They may also have companion books or study guides that include summaries for each episode.

Remember, it's important to respect copyright laws and use legal means to access the content you are looking for.