

Note that these expressions contain complex numbers.
Simplify your answer as much as possible.

Let a=6+2i, b=6-2i


a+b = 12


To multiply the given expressions, we can use the FOIL method (First, Outer, Inner, Last).

First, let's expand the expression (x - (6 + 2i))(x - (6 - 2i)) using FOIL:

= x(x) - x(6 - 2i) - (6 + 2i)(x) + (6 + 2i)(6 - 2i)

= x^2 - 6x + 2ix - 6x + 12i - 2i^2 + 6x - 12i + 2i^2

Note that i^2 = -1, so the terms 2ix and -2i^2 will cancel each other out.

= x^2 - 6x + 6x + 12i - 12i

= x^2 + 0 + 0i

The simplified answer to the multiplication is x^2.

To multiply the given expressions, we can use the binomial multiplication formula.

The formula for multiplying two binomials is:

(a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd

Let's apply this formula to the given expressions:

(x - (6 + 2i))(x - (6 - 2i))

Step 1: Distribute the x term to both expressions.

x * x - x * (6 - 2i) - (6 + 2i) * x + (6 + 2i) * (6 - 2i)

Step 2: Simplify each term.

x^2 - x * 6 + x * 2i - (6 + 2i) * x + 6 * (6 - 2i) + 2i * (6 - 2i)

Step 3: Apply the multiplication of terms.

x^2 - 6x + 2ix - (6x - 2ix + 36 - 12i + 12i - 4i^2)

Step 4: Simplify further using the fact that i^2 is equal to -1.

x^2 - 6x + 2ix - (6x - 2ix + 36 - 12i + 12i + 4)

Step 5: Combine like terms.

x^2 - 6x + 2ix - 6x + 2ix + 36 - 12i + 12i + 4

Step 6: Simplify further.

x^2 - 12x + 40

Therefore, the simplified expression for (x - (6 + 2i))(x - (6 - 2i)) is x^2 - 12x + 40.