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can you think of any examples from the real world where lowered genetic diversity is impacting a species' ability to survive?

Certainly! To find examples of real-world scenarios where lowered genetic diversity affects a species' survival, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search engine query: Go to your preferred search engine (such as Google) and enter relevant keywords, such as "real-world examples of lowered genetic diversity impacting species survival."

2. Explore scientific articles and studies: Look for reliable sources like scientific journals, research papers, or reports by reputable organizations. These sources often provide detailed information and well-documented examples.

3. Look for case studies and species-specific examples: Genetic diversity can impact species differently depending on their biology and environment. Searching for specific case studies or examples of species affected by reduced genetic diversity will yield more targeted results.

4. Consider factors influencing genetic diversity: As you explore examples, consider different factors that can contribute to lowered genetic diversity, such as habitat fragmentation, population bottlenecks, inbreeding, or natural disasters. Understanding these factors can give you a broader perspective on how genetic diversity influences survival.

Remember, due diligence is necessary when researching scientific topics. Always evaluate the credibility of the sources you find and look for peer-reviewed studies to ensure accuracy and reliability.