you are 70 meters from train and road crossing with the train going 60meters per second, after 4 seconds has fast is the train traveling away from you?

To determine how fast the train is traveling away from you, you need to calculate its velocity. Velocity is defined as the rate of change of position with respect to time.

In this case, you are stationary at a fixed position, so your velocity is zero. The train's velocity, on the other hand, is given as 60 meters per second.

To calculate the train's speed relative to you, you need to find the relative velocity. To do this, you subtract your velocity (0 m/s) from the train's velocity (60 m/s):

Relative Velocity = Train's Velocity - Your Velocity

Relative Velocity = 60 m/s - 0 m/s

Relative Velocity = 60 m/s

Therefore, the train's velocity relative to you is 60 meters per second. This means that the train is traveling away from you at a speed of 60 meters per second.