I used these in sentences, I just need to know if they are verbs?

1.Education is
2.have taken
3.will give
5.will be leading

They are all verbs except education.


To determine whether these words are verbs, we can consider their function and usage in the sentences.

1. "Education is" - In this sentence, "is" is the verb. It is the linking verb that connects the subject "education" to its complement, indicating a state or condition ("Education is important, Education is necessary").

2. "Have taken" - In this sentence, "have taken" is a verb phrase. "Have" is the helping verb (also known as an auxiliary verb) and "taken" is the main verb. Together, they form the present perfect tense, indicating an action that started in the past and continues to the present ("I have taken many courses").

3. "Will give" - In this sentence, "will give" is a verb phrase. "Will" is the helping verb, and "give" is the main verb. This combination forms the future tense, indicating an action that will happen in the future ("I will give you the book tomorrow").

4. "Worked" - In this sentence, "worked" is the main verb. It is in the past tense, indicating an action that happened and ended in the past ("She worked at the company for five years").

5. "Will be leading" - In this sentence, "will be leading" is a verb phrase. "Will be" is the helping verb, and "leading" is the main verb. This combination forms the future continuous tense, indicating an ongoing action in the future ("He will be leading the team in the upcoming project").

So, in short, the verbs in these sentences are: "is," "have taken," "will give," "worked," and "will be leading."