Which onw of the following statements is NOT valid about the presence of a "mismatch between home and school?"

a.There are differencein language & social communication patterns
b.Children's early developmental foundations might be at risk.
c.Literacy & school achievement might be hindered
d.Social skills are enchanced.
I chose "a" but i am not sure if correct. Can someone please tell me if it is correct

I disagree with a.

This is a "backward" question -- one in which you're looking for the one that does NOT fit a pattern.

thanks, my second chose was d social skills are enhanced

I agree that this is a convoluted question, but I think d is correct.

To determine which statement is NOT valid about the presence of a "mismatch between home and school," we can analyze each statement individually:

a. "There are differences in language & social communication patterns": This statement is valid because it is common for children to experience differences in language and social communication patterns between their home environment and the school setting. This could be due to cultural differences, dialects, or social norms.

b. "Children's early developmental foundations might be at risk": This statement is also valid because when there is a mismatch between home and school, it can impact a child's early developmental foundations. This misalignment can affect their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development.

c. "Literacy & school achievement might be hindered": This statement is valid as well because if there is a mismatch between home and school, it can hinder a child's literacy skills and academic achievement. If a child's home language or cultural background is not adequately supported or recognized in the school environment, it can create challenges in their education.

d. "Social skills are enhanced": This statement is NOT valid. A mismatch between home and school does not necessarily lead to the enhancement of social skills. In fact, if there are significant differences in social norms and communication patterns between home and school, it can create difficulties for the child's socialization and social skills development.

Therefore, based on this analysis, the statement that is NOT valid about the presence of a "mismatch between home and school" is d. "Social skills are enhanced."