i am doing decimals and its estumating decimal prouducts can you help this is the question: 6.3 x 17.59

What is 6 times 18?

Do you want the exact value or an "do it in your head" estimate?

A reasonable estimate would be 6x18 + (0.3)*18 - 0.4*6 = 108 + 5.4 -2.4 = 111

The exact value is 110.817

Sure, I can help you with that! To estimate the product of decimals, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Round the decimals to a whole number. In this case, you can round 6.3 to 6 and 17.59 to 18.

Step 2: Multiply the rounded whole numbers. Multiply 6 by 18, which equals 108.

Step 3: Determine the place value of the decimal in both numbers. In this case, the decimal point is after the tenths place in 6.3 and after the hundredths place in 17.59.

Step 4: Count the total number of decimal places in both numbers. In this case, there are 1 decimal place in 6.3 and 2 decimal places in 17.59, making a total of 3 decimal places.

Step 5: Place the decimal point in the product by counting from the right of the rounded whole number. In this case, count 3 places from the right of 108, and place the decimal point there. The product becomes 108.000.

Therefore, the estimated product of 6.3 x 17.59 is approximately 108.000.