my daughter is working on calculating how many triangles point up in equilateral triangle. This is her bonus question: solve this problem for an equilateral triangle with sides measuring n units each. I'm lost, help.

To solve this problem, we first need to understand the pattern and relationship between the side length of the equilateral triangle and the number of triangles pointing up.

Let's start by considering equilateral triangles with different side lengths and observe the pattern:

For an equilateral triangle with a side length of 1 unit, there is only one triangle pointing up.

For an equilateral triangle with a side length of 2 units, there are four triangles pointing up.

For an equilateral triangle with a side length of 3 units, there are nine triangles pointing up.

From these examples, we can notice a general pattern: the number of triangles pointing up is equal to the square of the side length.

Therefore, to solve the bonus question for an equilateral triangle with sides measuring n units each, you simply need to square the value of n.

Mathematically, we can represent this as follows:

Number of triangles pointing up = n^2

So, by calculating n^2, you will find the answer to the bonus question for any equilateral triangle with sides measuring n units each.