Select the set of equations that represents the following situation: Mike invested $706 for one year. He invested part of it at 5% and the rest at 3%. At the end of the year he earned $28.00 in interest. How much did Mike invest at each rate of interest?

I don't see a set of equations...

Select the set of equations that represents the following situation: The cost of eleven CDs and twelve DVDs is $150.62; and the cost of one DVDs and twelve CDs is $116.07. How much do a CD and a DVD cost?

(Points : 3)
11x + 12y = 150.62; 12x + 1y = 116.07
11x • 12y = 150.62; 12x • 1y = 116.07
11x + 12y = 150.62; 1x + 12y = 116.07
11x • 12y = 150.62; 1x • 12y = 116.07

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's define two variables:
- Let x be the amount of money invested at 5% interest rate.
- Let y be the amount of money invested at 3% interest rate.

We know the following information:
1. The total amount invested is $706: x + y = 706.
2. The total interest earned is $28.00: 0.05x + 0.03y = 28.00.

So, the set of equations representing the situation is:
x + y = 706
0.05x + 0.03y = 28.00

Now you can solve this system of equations to find the amounts Mike invested at each rate of interest.