Need help with this--

'Write the time in sentence form (in spanish) for each of the following:

77. 1:15
78. 2:30
79. 4:45
80. 7:10


Wait a minute! We do not DO but HELP. Let me help you by telling you how to tell time.

First of all DIVIDE the clock in half, at the half hour. Everything up to the half hour will be "y" and everything from the half hour to the next hour will be "menos."

I will give you the explanation for Level I, since that is where you are.

*In time expressions, it is expresswd by " es la" with "one o'clock" and by "son las" with "two o'clock, three o'clock, etc.

Examples: Es la una. = It is one o'clock.
Son las dos (tres, etc.) = It is two o'clock (three, etc.)
¿Qué hora es? = What time is it?

Time AFTER or PAST the hour is expressed by "y"; time BEFORE the hour is expressed by "menos."
Es la una y diez. = It is ten (minutes) afer (past) one. Or It is 1:10.
Son las dos menos veinte. = It is twenty (minutes) to (of) two. OR It is 1:22.

Half past is expressed by "y media . " a quarter is expressed by "cuarto."
Son las seis y media. = It is half past six.
Son las diez y cuarto.= It is a quarter after (past) nine.

Now, try those exercises!


Sure! I can help you with that. Here are the Spanish time expressions for the given times:

77. 1:15 - En español, se dice "La una y quince"
78. 2:30 - En español, se dice "Las dos y media"
79. 4:45 - En español, se dice "Las cuatro y cuarenta y cinco"
80. 7:10 - En español, se dice "Las siete y diez"

Espero que esto te ayude. ¡Buena suerte!

To write the time in sentence form in Spanish, you usually follow the structure "Son las" (for hours) or "Es la" (for one o'clock) followed by the hour and minutes.

Let's go through each example and write the time in Spanish:

77. 1:15
To write "1:15" in Spanish, you would say "Son las una y cuarto."

78. 2:30
To write "2:30" in Spanish, you would say "Son las dos y media."

79. 4:45
To write "4:45" in Spanish, you would say "Son las cuatro y cuarenta y cinco."

80. 7:10
To write "7:10" in Spanish, you would say "Son las siete y diez."

Remember, when referring to minutes, "y" (and) is used to connect the hour and minutes. Also, "media" is used instead of "cincuenta" for "half past."