How did Americans and Indians react to the Sand creek massacre and the Wounded Knee Massacre?

How did americans and indians react to the land creek massacre and tge wounded mee massacre

To understand how Americans and Indians reacted to the Sand Creek Massacre and the Wounded Knee Massacre, we can explore historical records, accounts of eyewitnesses, and scholarly research. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by researching primary sources: Look for accounts from individuals who were present during the massacres, such as participants, survivors, or journalists who reported on the events. Primary sources provide firsthand information and can offer valuable insights into reactions at the time. For the Sand Creek Massacre, sources like letters, diaries, or reports written by soldiers or Native American witnesses can be examined. Similarly, for the Wounded Knee Massacre, newspaper articles, oral histories, or interviews with survivors and witnesses can be valuable sources.

2. Analyze historical records: Once you've gathered primary sources, examine them critically to understand the sentiments expressed by both Americans and Indians in response to the massacres. Look for key themes, emotions, or opinions shared by individuals or communities affected by the events. Pay attention to any public sentiment reflected in newspapers, official statements, or government reports.

3. Consult historical scholarship: Scholars have extensively studied these massacres, providing interpretations, analysis, and insights into the reactions of different groups. Look for books, academic articles, or documentaries that explore the historical context, aftermath, and responses to the Sand Creek Massacre and the Wounded Knee Massacre. Consider different perspectives and schools of thought to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

4. Synthesize the information: Once you have collected and analyzed the primary sources and consulted scholarly works, you can begin to piece together an understanding of how Americans and Indians reacted to the Sand Creek Massacre and the Wounded Knee Massacre. Identify common themes, compare and contrast the reactions of different groups, and assess the overall impact of these events on public opinion, policies, and relations between Native Americans and the United States government.

Remember, the reactions to historical events can vary greatly, so it's important to critically evaluate sources and consider multiple perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding of how different groups responded to the Sand Creek Massacre and the Wounded Knee Massacre.

They reacted with horror and anger.