
what is the organizational system for any company? and how to raw spray diagram for it?

Here are examples of spray diagrams:


How an organization is organized differs from one company to another. You'll have to research a specific company to determine what you need to include.

i need to draw a spray diagram for tesco's organizational system??

Hello! The organizational system of a company refers to its structure and hierarchy, detailing how different roles, responsibilities, and levels of authority are organized. There are various types of organizational systems, such as functional, divisional, matrix, and flat structures, among others.

To create a spray diagram for an organizational system, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the key components: Determine the essential elements of the organizational system, such as departments, job positions, and reporting lines.

2. Determine the hierarchy: Identify the levels of authority and reporting relationships within the company. This includes whether it is a top-down hierarchical structure, a matrix structure, or a flat structure with minimal levels of management.

3. Define the roles and responsibilities: Outline the tasks and responsibilities associated with each job position or department. This helps to provide clarity on the functions and duties of various individuals within the organization.

4. Visualize the connections: Use a diagramming tool like Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or specialized software such as Lucidchart or draw.io. Start by creating boxes or shapes to represent each component of the organizational system, such as departments or job positions.

5. Connect the components: Use lines or arrows to indicate reporting lines, authority flows, and communication channels within the organization. This helps to showcase how different roles are interconnected and the flow of information and decision-making.

6. Label and format: Provide clear labels for each component and make sure the diagram is easy to understand. You can use different colors, fonts, or formatting options to differentiate between departments or levels of authority if necessary.

7. Review and revise: After creating the initial draft, review the diagram to ensure accuracy and clarity. Make any necessary revisions to improve the representation of the organizational system.

Remember, the specific details and structures of an organizational system can vary greatly depending on the company. It's essential to tailor the organization diagram according to the company's unique characteristics and needs.