help me please What is the smallest solution to the inequality 4 (x -1) > 16?

divide both sides by 4

x-1 > 4
x > 5


To solve the inequality 4(x - 1) > 16, we'll follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 4 to both terms inside the parentheses:
4x - 4 > 16

Step 2: Move the constant term (-4) to the other side of the inequality by adding 4 to both sides:
4x > 16 + 4
4x > 20

Step 3: Divide both sides of the inequality by 4 (the coefficient of x) to isolate x:
(4x)/4 > 20/4
x > 5

The solution to the inequality is x > 5. This means that any value of x that is greater than 5 will satisfy the inequality. However, since you're looking for the smallest solution, the value of x will be just slightly larger than 5 but not including 5. Therefore, the smallest solution to the inequality is x = 5, using a closed circle on the number line to indicate that 5 is not included.