I need work the answer is 5 but i keep getting 4.5 if anyone can help me on the rest i got a page of work!


What does the * symbolize? The way its written doesn't make sense.

2y = 20 - 4x^0?

If it is x^0, anything to zero power = 1

2y = 20 - 4

Solve for y.

If you really mean to multiply (*), then

2y = 20 - 0

Solve for y.

To solve this equation for y, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the equation: 2y = 20 - 4x * 0.

2. We can simplify the expression on the right side of the equation: 4x * 0 equals 0. So we have: 2y = 20 - 0.

3. Now we can simplify further: 20 - 0 equals 20. So we have: 2y = 20.

4. To isolate y, we need to get rid of the coefficient 2. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by 2. So we have: (2y) / 2 = 20 / 2.

5. Simplifying further: 2y / 2 equals y, and 20 / 2 equals 10. So we have: y = 10.

Therefore, the solution to the equation is y = 10, not 5.

If you were obtaining 4.5 as your answer, it's possible that there may have been a mistake in your calculations. Please ensure you adhere to the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) and double-check your work to identify any errors.