Solve each equation:

5 over 2x-5 minus 4/5= 1 over 2x-5

See the problem above and work it the same way.

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To solve the given equation:

(5/(2x-5)) - (4/5) = (1/(2x-5))

Step 1: Simplify the equation by finding a common denominator on the left side. The common denominator is (2x-5) * 5.

(5 * 5) / ((2x-5) * 5) - (4 * (2x-5)) / ((2x-5) * 5) = (1/(2x-5))

Step 2: Combine the fractions on the left side of the equation.

(25 - 8x + 20) / (5 * (2x-5)) = (1/(2x-5))

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by (5 * (2x-5)) to eliminate the denominators.

(25 - 8x + 20) = 1

Step 4: Combine like terms.

45 - 8x = 1

Step 5: Subtract 45 from both sides.

-8x = 1 - 45
-8x = -44

Step 6: Divide both sides by -8 to solve for x.

x = (-44) / (-8)
x = 5.5

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x = 5.5.