Please double check me.

Terry went on a 60 mile canoe trip. on first day, he traveled 21 miles. what percent of the total distance was that?


yep 35 percent is correct

(21 miles * 1day)/ (60) =.35

.35 *100% =35%

would that still be the same answer if it needs to be rounded to the nearest tenth? i forgot to ask that in pervious post.

yes it would

To find out what percent of the total distance Terry traveled on the first day, you will need to divide the distance he traveled on the first day by the total distance and then multiply by 100.

Let's do the calculation:

Distance traveled on the first day = 21 miles
Total distance of the canoe trip = 60 miles

Percentage calculation: (Distance traveled on the first day / Total distance) * 100

(21 / 60) * 100 = 0.35 * 100 = 35%

So, Terry's first-day travel distance represents 35% of the total distance of the canoe trip. Your answer of 35% is correct.