Solve the compound inequality.

1.-n<2 or 2n-3>5.
2.2c-4>-6 and 3c+1<13

Are these the answer?
1.n<2 or n>4.

1. No. n>2 and n>4 , which is n>4

2. correct

Did you divide the -n by itself and then 2 by -n in order to get the sign reverse?

Also could you help me on this one? Thanks

A number minus one is at most nine, or two times the number is at least twenty-four.

Is it n-1</= 9 or 2n =/> 24 which equal n>/= 12 or n </= 10?

I divided by -1, which reversed the inequality.

yes on the second.

To solve compound inequalities, you need to break them down into separate inequalities and solve each part individually.

1. Let's solve the compound inequality -n < 2 or 2n - 3 > 5 separately:

For -n < 2:
Multiply both sides by -1 (since we're multiplying by a negative number, we need to flip the inequality sign):
n > -2

For 2n - 3 > 5:
Add 3 to both sides:
2n > 8
Divide both sides by 2:
n > 4

Now, combine the two separate inequalities:
n > -2 or n > 4

This means that the solution is n < -2 or n > 4.

2. Let's solve the compound inequality 2c - 4 > -6 and 3c + 1 < 13 separately:

For 2c - 4 > -6:
Add 4 to both sides:
2c > -2
Divide both sides by 2:
c > -1

For 3c + 1 < 13:
Subtract 1 from both sides:
3c < 12
Divide both sides by 3:
c < 4

Now, combine the two separate inequalities:
c > -1 and c < 4

This means that the solution is -1 < c < 4.

So, in both cases, the answers you provided are correct:
1. n < -2 or n > 4
2. -1 < c < 4