37. Wings, fins, and arms are limb adaptations that allow mammals to

a. live in different environments
b. attain diverse sizes
c. nurse their young
d. communicate with other mammals

4. Which is NOT a characteristic of function of the epidermis?
a. repair of damaged cells
b. flattened cells
c. protection from outside forces
d. contain waterproofing protein

22. Which of the following is a way that birds are different from most reptiles?
a. They are endothermic
b. They have feathers
c. They have four-chambered hearts
d. all of the above

23. A four-chambered heart is efficient at carrying oxygen for the high metabolism of
a. ectotherms
b. reptiles
c. amphibians
d. endotherms


For question 37, the correct answer is a. live in different environments. Limb adaptations such as wings, fins, and arms allow mammals to explore and survive in various habitats. To get the answer, you can consider the characteristics and functions of wings, fins, and arms, and eliminate the options that are not related to those adaptations.

For question 4, the correct answer is a. repair of damaged cells. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, and its main function is to protect the body from outside forces such as chemicals, microorganisms, and physical damage. It contains flattened cells and has a waterproofing protein, but it does not actively repair damaged cells. To get the answer, you can recall the function of the epidermis and eliminate the options that are not applicable.

For question 22, the correct answer is d. all of the above. Birds are different from most reptiles because they are endothermic (warm-blooded), have feathers, and possess four-chambered hearts. To get the answer, you need to know the distinguishing characteristics of birds compared to reptiles and eliminate the options that do not match.

For question 23, the correct answer is d. endotherms. A four-chambered heart is efficient at carrying oxygen for the high metabolism of endotherms, which are animals capable of generating their own body heat. Ectotherms, reptiles, and amphibians do not have the same high metabolic rate and are not reliant on a four-chambered heart. To get the answer, you can consider the energy requirements and physiological differences between ectotherms, reptiles, amphibians, and endotherms.