hi i had to write a paper on print media and i sent my paper though writepoint and it said that this phrase of my paper was to wordiness and consider revising nothing inappropriate so what else could i say thank you

Without seeing that paper, how would we know how to help you?


Sra is right. Without seeing the paper itself, there's no way anyone here can know.

Read through this, make corrections, and then post your corrected paper:


Hi! It seems like you used a phrase in your paper that was flagged as being wordy by WritePoint. When it comes to writing papers, it's always beneficial to make your ideas clear and concise. In this case, it might be helpful to revise the phrase to make it more concise and to the point.

To do this, you can try the following steps:

1. Identify the phrase in your paper that WritePoint flagged as wordy.
2. Consider the main message or point you are trying to convey with that phrase.
3. Break down the phrase into its essential components and remove any unnecessary or redundant words.
4. Rework the sentence to convey the same meaning using fewer words.
5. Read the revised sentence aloud to ensure it sounds clear and concise.

Remember, the goal is to communicate your ideas effectively while avoiding unnecessary wordiness. If you'd like help with a specific phrase from your paper, feel free to share it, and I'll do my best to assist you in revising it.