Solve the inequality and show the number line.

x + 29 < 33 for x > 0

To solve the inequality x + 29 < 33 for x > 0, we need to isolate x on one side of the inequality sign.

Step 1: Subtract 29 from both sides of the inequality:
x + 29 - 29 < 33 - 29
x < 4

This means that any value of x that is less than 4 will satisfy the given inequality.

To show the solution on a number line, follow these steps:

Step 2: Draw a horizontal line with a mark at 0.
Step 3: Draw an open circle at 4 (since the inequality is strict, x is not equal to 4).
Step 4: Draw an arrow to the right of the open circle to indicate that x is greater than 0.
Step 5: Shade the region to the right of the open circle, indicating all the possible values of x that satisfy the inequality.

Here is the number line representation:

0 4

The shaded region represents all the values of x > 0 that satisfy the inequality x + 29 < 33.