to write a 75- to 100-word response describing the role civil disobedience played in the Civil Rights Movement

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i did not expect u to write it for me. I was hoping to obtain websites to help. I know u all usually help with web sites.

In order to avoid confusion in the future, be sure to ask a specific question. That's the best and fastest way to get the results you need.

You may have to search and research, but once you learn some good sources and methods, you should have success. In addition to searching on the Internet, you also need to make best friends with the reference librarian(s) in your local or college library. Libraries these days subscribe to enormous research databases, and they are often more useful than Internet searches. Ask your librarian if you have access to EBSCOHost -- it has several databases within it, including a huge one for academic research.

For Internet searching:
At this webpage, you can go immediately to the search sites (first three columns across the top) -- or even better you can scroll down until you see the section called HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET. Those are the links to start with. You'll not only learn how to come up with good search terms, but also how to evaluate the webpages you get as results. Some will be good and others will be garbage. You need to know how to tell the difference.

My favorite way to search is to go to Google's advanced search page and put my search words or phrases into the first or second search box (either "all the words" or "exact phrase"). Another is to start out at However, there many other strategies for searching you can use, and the HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET section will help you best.

Learning to use Google or other search engines can save you time and help you learn to find information efficiently. Here are some websites that can teach you how:

... and one to help you judge whether a particular website's information is worth your time:

To write a 75- to 100-word response on the role civil disobedience played in the Civil Rights Movement, you can follow these steps:

1. Research: Gather information about the Civil Rights Movement and civil disobedience. Look for primary and secondary sources, such as books, articles, and documentaries.

2. Understanding civil disobedience: Civil disobedience refers to the deliberate refusal to obey certain laws, usually as a form of protest against perceived injustice. It often involves nonviolent actions to demand change.

3. Compose the response: Begin by introducing the role civil disobedience played in the Civil Rights Movement. Mention how it was used as a powerful tool to challenge discriminatory laws and demand equal rights for African Americans. Include specific examples, such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and lunch counter sit-ins, highlighting their impact on public awareness and legal reforms.

4. Condense and edit: Revise your response to fit within the given word limit of 75 to 100 words. Make sure your points are clear and concise while capturing the essence of civil disobedience's significance in the Civil Rights Movement.

Remember, doing thorough research and adding specific examples will ensure your response is well-informed and accurate.