does anyone have a current event that i can some how make a psychological tie to ?

Yes, what about the potential disaster with the airplane bomber?

Havent there been some mass murders recently, and one attempt on an a landing aircraft? That mess at Ft. Hood sticks in my craw.

Isn't most of the noise one hears over Fox News tied to psychological issues? It takes only a few minutes of listening to realize a lot of folks have deep psychological issues, and vultures are making big money on it (fears, prejudices, hate).

Unfortunately, the media tends to emphasize the negative aspects of behavior. On the positive side, for example, you could link acts of anonymous philanthropy to altruism.

All behaviors are linked to psychology. you need to decide what event you want to use for any particular psychological aspect. Your teacher wants you to see the links between the two.

I hope this helps a little more.

does anyone know the ABCD's of medical malpractice?


Certainly! One recent current event that you can make a psychological tie to is the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has not only had a significant impact on physical health but also on mental health and wellbeing. To explore the psychological aspects, you can focus on how the pandemic has affected people's emotions, mental resilience, social connections, and overall psychological well-being.

To find more information on this topic, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by reading news articles, scientific research papers, or opinion pieces related to COVID-19 and its psychological impact. Reliable sources such as reputable news websites, scientific journals, or mental health organizations can provide valuable insights.

2. Search for keywords such as "psychological impact of COVID-19," "mental health during pandemic," or similar phrases to narrow down your search and find relevant information.

3. Look for studies conducted by renowned psychologists, mental health professionals, or organizations focused on mental well-being. These studies often provide data-driven insights into the psychological aspects of the pandemic.

4. Explore social media platforms or online forums where professionals and individuals discuss their experiences during the pandemic. This can give you real-life anecdotes and personal stories related to the psychological impact of COVID-19.

5. Engage with mental health websites or organizations that provide resources, tips, and guidance on coping with the psychological challenges posed by the pandemic. They often share valuable insights and tools to support mental well-being.

By following these steps, you can gather information and make a meaningful psychological connection to the current event of the COVID-19 pandemic.