7. 'Havn't I Made a Difference!' is a nonfiction narrative because it

a. makes a point about human behavior that fiction could not make
b. contains interesting characters who are believable and likable
c. uses vivid details and realistic dialogue
d. conveys a series of true events in a lively, story like fashion

I'm suck between C and D..please help



8. Fallacies are errors in
a. emotinal appeals
b. organizational structure
c. logical thinking
d. choice of details



D and C.

To determine whether 'Havn't I Made a Difference!' is a nonfiction narrative, let's break down the options provided:

a. Makes a point about human behavior that fiction could not make.

This option suggests that the book makes a specific point about human behavior that cannot be conveyed through fiction. While it is possible for nonfiction narratives to make unique observations about human behavior, this option does not necessarily define a nonfiction narrative.

b. Contains interesting characters who are believable and likable.

The presence of interesting and believable characters is not exclusive to nonfiction narratives. Fiction can also have well-developed characters.

c. Uses vivid details and realistic dialogue.

This option may seem plausible, as vivid details and realistic dialogue are often present in both fiction and nonfiction narratives. However, it is essential to consider that nonfiction narratives are primarily based on factual events and real people.

d. Conveys a series of true events in a lively, story-like fashion.

This option describes a key characteristic of nonfiction narratives. If 'Havn't I Made a Difference!' conveys a series of true events in a lively and story-like fashion, it would likely be classified as a nonfiction narrative.

In this case, option d, which conveys a series of true events in a lively, story-like fashion, is the most specific to nonfiction narratives. Therefore, the correct answer is d.