on pizzazz 27 what is the answer to "what is it like to live under a rug"

Very Ruggedd

very rugged

Very rugged

To find the answer to the question "what is it like to live under a rug" on Pizzazz 27, you'll need to access a database that contains the Pizzazz magazine archive. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to locate the specific issue and find the answer:

1. Begin by conducting an online search for "Pizzazz magazine archive" or visit the official website of Pizzazz magazine if available.
2. Once you've found the archive, navigate to the section that allows you to browse issues based on their publication dates.
3. Look for the issue with the number 27 or the corresponding date of publication. Click on it to access the contents of that particular issue.
4. Within the issue, search for the question "what is it like to live under a rug." It may be presented in the form of a puzzle or a quiz.
5. Read the accompanying text or instructions to understand the context and find the answer to the question.

Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I don't have direct access to specific magazine archives or databases. Therefore, I cannot provide the exact answer to the question you mentioned. However, by following the steps above and accessing the Pizzazz magazine archive, you should be able to locate the answer you're looking for.

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