why did the french and spanish start fighting

because war

because war

4399 sucks

a lot of people plays fortnite you know

Which time?

The French and Spanish fought each other throughout history for various reasons. To understand why they started fighting, we need to delve into the historical context of their conflicts.

One significant period of conflict between France and Spain occurred during the 16th and 17th centuries. At that time, both nations were powerful European empires with global ambitions. Here's how you can explore further and get a more comprehensive understanding of this historical conflict:

1. Research the Habsburg Dynasty: The Habsburgs were a powerful European royal family with members ruling both Spain and parts of present-day Austria. The conflict between France and Spain was partially fueled by the Habsburgs' aspiration to expand their influence and territories in Europe.

2. Investigate the Wars of Religion: Religious differences played a crucial role in the conflicts between France and Spain. The Protestant Reformation, which took place in the 16th century, led to religious tensions across Europe. France was predominantly Catholic, while Spain was a bastion of Catholicism. This religious divide added fuel to the conflicts between the two nations.

3. Look into the Italian Wars: The struggle for dominance over the Italian Peninsula was another factor that caused tensions between France and Spain. Italy was divided into various city-states and kingdoms that were often caught in the power struggles between these two European powers. Both France and Spain sought to gain control over Italian territories, leading to ongoing conflicts.

4. Study the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis: The Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis, signed in 1559, marked the end of one of the major conflicts between France and Spain. This treaty was a result of years of wars and outlined the territorial boundaries between the two nations. It's important to examine this treaty to understand the factors that led to their fighting and subsequent reconciliation.

Remember, understanding historical events requires deeper research and exploring primary and secondary sources, such as books, documents, and scholarly articles.