fill in the blank with the correct word

Donde estamos?__________ en Philadelphiao

Estan listos? No_______ listos.

Como _______ usted? Estoy bien

*Estamos en Philadelphiao

*No estamos listos.
*Como esta usted?

why is the first one that

Because you are asking "Where are we?" and you would answer "We are". "We are" in spanish is Estamos.

what about

Cual es tu musicia favoritia?
Mi musica favorita hip hop.

Cual es tu musicia favoritia?

Mi musica favorita ________hip hop.

Mi musica favorita es hip hop.

Mi musica favorita es el hip hop.

Many words are actually wrong here with no accent marks. If you need the chart showing how to make accent marks with the computer, we need to know: PC or MAC, Windows or not?
