please check these

1.kristi jogged for 3/5 of an hour, swam 1/2 of an hour, rode her bike for 1/4 hr. how long did she exercise/=1 17/20
2.victor owned 5/6 of a family buisness, he sold 2/7 of the buisness,what portion doe she still own?=23/42
3.subtract 8/11-1/5=38/55 reduce
4.add then reduce 3/8+2/7=37/56
5.intersest rate on an equity line of credit was 7 7/8% last month this month it is 10 3/2% how many percentage points did it raise=3 5/8 simplest terms
6.find area of shaded part in the figure use 3.14 for pie round your answer one decimal place 15ft 15ft. the figure is a square with a circle inside of it=48.4ft 2
triangle has a base 13 ftand an atitude of 6ft find the area =39

1. I get a different answer.

2. I get a different answer.

3. I get a different answer.

4. Correct

5. Are you sure you've typed this one correctly?

6. We can't see the figure.

intersest rate on an equity line of credit was 7 7/8% last month this month it is 10 3/2% how many percentage points has the interest rate increased?=3 5/8%

I think Ms Sue was referring to your fraction of 10 3/2%

that makes no sense.

A mixed fraction would consist of a whole number and a proper fraction.
if you really meant 10 3/2, then that would actually be 11 1/2

she was also noticing your poor spelling of 'interest'

Sure, let's go through each question step by step:

1. To find the total exercise time, you need to add the time spent jogging, swimming, and riding the bike.
So, kristi jogged for 3/5 of an hour, swam for 1/2 of an hour, and rode her bike for 1/4 of an hour.
To add fractions with different denominators, you need to find a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 20.
Convert the fractions to have a denominator of 20:
Jogging: 3/5 * 4/4 = 12/20
Swimming: 1/2 * 10/10 = 10/20
Riding: 1/4 * 5/5 = 5/20
Now, add the fractions: 12/20 + 10/20 + 5/20 = 27/20 or 1 7/20.
Therefore, Kristi exercised for a total of 1 7/20 hours.

2. Victor owned 5/6 of the family business and sold 2/7 of it.
To find the portion he still owns, we need to subtract the fraction he sold from what he originally owned.
Convert both fractions to have a common denominator. The least common denominator (LCD) here is 42.
Original ownership: 5/6 * 7/7 = 35/42
Sold portion: 2/7 * 6/6 = 12/42
Now, subtract the sold portion from the original ownership: 35/42 - 12/42 = 23/42.
Therefore, Victor still owns 23/42 of the family business.

3. To subtract fractions, you need to have a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 55.
Subtract the fractions: 8/11 - 1/5 = (40/55) - (11/55) = 29/55.
The result, 29/55, cannot be simplified further.

4. To add fractions, you need to have a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 56.
Add the fractions: 3/8 + 2/7 = (21/56) + (16/56) = 37/56.
The result, 37/56, cannot be simplified further.

5. To find the percentage points by which the interest rate raised, subtract the previous interest rate from the current interest rate.
The previous interest rate was 7 7/8% or 7.875%.
The current interest rate is 10 3/2% or 10.5%.
Subtract the previous interest rate from the current interest rate: 10.5% - 7.875% = 2.625% or 3 5/8%.
Therefore, the interest rate raised by 3 5/8 percentage points.

6. To find the area of the shaded part in the figure, you need to calculate the area of the square and subtract the area of the circle.
The figure is a square with side lengths of 15ft.
The area of a square is found by squaring the side length: A = 15ft * 15ft = 225ft^2.
The figure also contains a circle with a diameter equal to the side length of the square (15ft).
The formula for the area of a circle is A = πr^2, where r is the radius.
The radius of the circle is half the diameter, so r = 15ft/2 = 7.5ft.
The area of the circle is A = 3.14 * (7.5ft)^2 = 3.14 * 56.25ft^2 ≈ 176.625ft^2.
Subtract the area of the circle from the area of the square: 225ft^2 - 176.625ft^2 ≈ 48.375ft^2, rounded to one decimal place as 48.4ft^2.
Therefore, the area of the shaded part in the figure is approximately 48.4ft^2.

I hope this helps!