For a car dealership, what is the fixed factor of production that defines the short run.

I think this is the building. Is that correct?

First, "college" is NOT your school subject.

I'd include all of the expenses of the building -- utilities, rent or mortgage payments, and taxes.

Oops. Didn't even look at the subject. Thanks or pointing that out :-)

I would go with size of car lot, that defines the numbers of cars one can sell.

Yes, you are correct. In the context of a car dealership, the fixed factor of production that defines the short run is indeed the building or physical infrastructure where the dealership operates.

To understand why the building is considered a fixed factor of production in the short run, let's delve into the concept of factors of production and the distinction between short run and long run.

Factors of production are the resources used in the production of goods and services. The main factors of production include land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. These factors can be classified as either fixed or variable.

In the short run, at least one factor of production is typically considered fixed. Fixed factors are those that cannot be easily and quickly changed in quantity, regardless of the level of output. In the case of a car dealership, the building is a fixed factor because it generally requires a considerable amount of time, effort, and financial investment to change the physical infrastructure. This includes acquiring a new location, constructing or renovating the building, securing permits, and so on.

On the other hand, variable factors of production, such as labor, can be adjusted more easily in response to changes in output or demand. In the short run, a car dealership can vary the number of salespeople, technicians, or administrative staff it employs based on business needs.

It's important to note that the distinction between short run and long run is not defined by a specific time period but by the ability to adjust certain factors of production. In the long run, all factors of production can be adjusted, including the building, allowing the car dealership to relocate or expand to a larger space if necessary.

In summary, the fixed factor of production that defines the short run for a car dealership is the building or physical infrastructure, as it is typically not easily changed within a short period of time.