Given that y=x^2+2x-3

When x is -3 what is y?
Is the ans 0?

When x is 1 what is y?
Is the ans 0?

if x=-3, then y=-3, not zero:

Does this make sense?

if x=1, then y=0, you are correct:
Does this make sense?

Hope this helps!! :-)

Sally has made a mistake. (-3)^2 = 9 not 6.

y=-3^2-6-3 = 9 - 6 - 3 = 0

The second value solution is correct.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To find the value of y when x is a specific number, you need to substitute that number into the equation and solve for y.

Let's start with the first question:

When x is -3, we substitute -3 into the equation y = x^2 + 2x - 3:

y = (-3)^2 + 2(-3) - 3
y = 9 - 6 - 3
y = 0

So, when x is -3, the value of y is indeed 0.

Moving on to the second question:

When x is 1, we substitute 1 into the equation y = x^2 + 2x - 3:

y = (1)^2 + 2(1) - 3
y = 1 + 2 - 3
y = 0

So, when x is 1, the value of y is also 0.