The quotient of 794.1 divided by 7.61, expressed to two decimal places, is

A. 95.83.
B. 104.35.

C. 786.49.

D. 1043.50.

what do they mean//

is it d



in the Google seach box
You will be utterly amazed.

I also find it strange that this same question appeared on

a year ago. Where are you getting this stuff?


Reiny - I suspect teachers are re-cycling questions or are using standard worksheets. I see this quite a lot in the UK where teachers are teaching to the national curriculum and using standard resources, often from a web site.

In this question, you are being asked to divide 794.1 by 7.61 and then express the quotient to two decimal places. The answer options are given to you, and you need to identify which one represents the correct quotient.

To solve this problem, you can follow the steps below:

1. Divide 794.1 by 7.61:
- Start by placing the 794.1 as the dividend (number to be divided) and the 7.61 as the divisor (number you are dividing by).
- Perform the division as you would normally, remembering to carry out each step accurately.
- After division, you will get a quotient, which is the result of the division.

2. Round the quotient to two decimal places:
- Look at the decimal part of the quotient.
- Identify the third decimal place.
- If the value at the third decimal place is 5 or above, round up the second decimal place. Otherwise, leave it as it is.
- Truncate (remove) any remaining decimal places after the second decimal place.

3. Compare the rounded quotient to the answer options:
- Look at each of the answer options provided: 95.83, 104.35, 786.49, and 1043.50.
- Identify which option matches the rounded quotient you obtained from step 2.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the correct answer to the question.