If i wanted to shorten the word phenomenal to phenoms would it be es or just s on the end.

Well -- I just learned a new word. Phenom is a slang term for a young prodigy.

The plural would be phenoms. We only add -es to words that end in s, z, ch, sh, or x to make them plural.

thank you

You're welcome. :-)

To determine if the word "phenomenal" can be shortened to "phenoms" with an "es" or just an "s" at the end, we need to look at the rules of pluralization.

In English, most nouns are made plural by adding an "s" to the end. For example, "car" becomes "cars" and "book" becomes "books."

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. One of them is when a noun ends in "o." In this case, if the noun is a regular noun (not a proper name or a foreign word), we usually add "es" instead of just "s" to form the plural. For example, "potato" becomes "potatoes" and "tomato" becomes "tomatoes."

Now, returning to "phenomenal," we can see that it doesn't end in "o"; it ends in "al." Therefore, according to the general rule, we would simply add an "s" to make it plural. Therefore, "phenomenal" shortens to "phenoms" with just an "s" at the end.

In summary, if you wanted to shorten the word "phenomenal" to "phenoms," it would be with just an "s" at the end.