My Recipe for Vegetable Juice

Ingredients : a carrot, a cabbage, a radish, many mushrooms, leeks, onions, and five pieces of garlic

How to make it
1. Put them in water for more than 30 minutes and then wash it clean to get rid of the chemicals on them.

2. Cut them into pieces. Slice the carrot. Cut the leeks into three pieces.

3. Pour water into a big container.

4. Put the vegetables into a big container and simmer it for more than one hour.

5. With a scoop, pour the vegetable soup into a bottle.

6. Now, you're ready to enjoy the nutricious vegetable soup. It is good for your inner organs.

(Would you check the sentences? Thank you. correct the errors, please.)

In 1, you need to clarify what "them" means. It's better to write this: Put all the ingredients in water for more than 30 minutes and then wash them clean to get rid of any chemicals.

2 is fine.

3 is OK, but it would be better to say how much water -- 2 quarts, 1 gallon, or what?

4 will be OK if you change "a" to "the" and add the word "all" after "it."

5 is fine except for the word "bottle" which means something with a narrow opening at the top.
You should change that to "a large jar."

6 is OK, but check the spelling of "nutritious" and change "inner organs" to "health" (or "insides").

Here are the corrected sentences:

Ingredients: a carrot, a cabbage, a radish, many mushrooms, leeks, onions, and five cloves of garlic.

How to make it:
1. Soak the vegetables in water for more than 30 minutes and then wash them thoroughly to remove any chemicals on them.

2. Cut the vegetables into pieces. Slice the carrot and chop the leeks into three pieces.

3. Fill a large container with water.

4. Place the vegetables in the container and simmer them for more than one hour.

5. Using a scoop, pour the vegetable soup into a bottle.

6. Now, you're ready to enjoy the nutritious vegetable soup. It is beneficial for your internal organs.

Please note that there were a few additions and modifications made to clarify the instructions.