Identify the thesis statement in the article A Nation Apart. What strategis does the author use to formulate his argument? What makes the arguments so viable and compeling?

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To identify the thesis statement in the article "A Nation Apart," a good starting point would be to thoroughly read the article and determine its central argument. The thesis statement generally expresses the main idea or purpose of the article. While I don't have access to the specific article you mentioned, I can guide you on how to identify a thesis statement and analyze the author's argument strategies.

1. Read the article: Begin by reading the entire article carefully. Understand the main points presented and the overall argument being made.

2. Identify the main argument: Pay attention to recurring ideas, claims, or statements that appear to be the author's primary focus. These are likely to represent the thesis statement or at least lead you to it.

3. Look for a clear and concise statement: The thesis statement usually appears early on in the article, often in the introductory paragraph or within the first few paragraphs. It typically presents a concise and specific claim.

4. Analyze argument strategies: Once you have identified the thesis statement, analyze the author's argument strategies to understand why they are viable and compelling. Common strategies include providing evidence, logical reasoning, counterarguments, research-based facts, anecdotes, expert opinions, or emotional appeals. Look for these tactics and assess how effectively the author employs them to support their claims.

5. Evaluate the effectiveness: Consider the strength of the arguments put forward by the author. Judge whether the evidence provided is convincing and relevant, if the logical reasoning is sound, and if the use of rhetorical strategies enhances the overall persuasiveness of the article.

Remember that without access to the specific article, I cannot provide you with the exact thesis statement or evaluate the author's strategies. However, by following these steps, you should be able to identify the thesis statement and critically assess the argument strategies within the article "A Nation Apart."