1. WPM=130 means 130 words a minute. This is the similar reading speed of the listening test for first graders in middle school.

2. Write the second sentence in Number 2 in Italic script.

2-1. Write the second sentence in Number 2 in cursive type.

3. Arrange the following words in the correct order and write them again.

4. As in the example, write down the introductory passage of your friend.

5. According to the our language, write English sentences.

6. Referring to the following passage, write the introductory passage for your friends and family.

(Are the sentences above all grammatical? Thank you for your help.)

1. Sounds fine.

2. and 2-1 -- I'd say "Italics" and "cursive," leaving out "script" and "type."

3. Sounds fine.

4. Did your friend write the introductory passage? Or is the introductory passage about your friend? If it's the former, then use "by" in place of "of." If it's the latter, use "about" in place of "of."

5. I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean. Either "the" or "our" needs to be deleted, but I'm not sure what the sentence means.

6. See #4 above.

1. The sentence "WPM=130 means 130 words a minute. This is the similar reading speed of the listening test for first graders in middle school." is grammatically correct, but it may be more clear to say "This is similar to the reading speed of first-grade students taking a listening test in middle school."

2. To write the second sentence in Number 2 in Italic script, you would need to use formatting options available in word processing software or text editors. In most programs, you can select the text and then apply the "Italic" or "Italicize" formatting option. For example: "Write the second sentence in Number 2 in *Italic* script."

2-1. To write the second sentence in Number 2 in cursive type, you can use a cursive font if available in your word processing software or text editor. Alternatively, if you are writing by hand, you can physically write the sentence in cursive. For example: "Write the second sentence in Number 2 in cursive type."

3. Since no words are provided in the question, it is not possible to arrange any words in a specific order.

4. To write down the introductory passage of your friend, you would need to have the text or content that your friend wants to use as an introduction. It is not provided in the question, so you cannot write it without the information.

5. The sentence "According to the our language, write English sentences." is not grammatically correct. It should be written as "Write English sentences using our language rules."

6. Since no following passage is provided in the question, it is not possible to write an introductory passage for friends and family based on that passage.