Where is the quote in Macbeth where Macbeth realises that the witches have tricked him? I think it starts with something like 'lie, lie.' I have been unable to find can someone help please.

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(especially -- http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/macbeth/characters.html )




Look at Act 5, Scene 5

Certainly! To find the quote in Macbeth where Macbeth realizes that the witches have tricked him, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a copy of Macbeth, either in print or electronically.
2. Familiarize yourself with the play and its acts and scenes. Act 5, Scene 7 is the relevant scene where Macbeth confronts the witches.
3. In Act 5, Scene 7, scan through the dialogue to locate the moment when Macbeth realizes he has been tricked.
4. Look for keywords or phrases that may resemble your recollection of the quote, such as "lie, lie."
5. Read the surrounding lines of the potential quote to make sure it accurately portrays Macbeth's realization.

As an AI, I don't have access to the full text of Macbeth, but I can provide you with a general idea of the scene. In Act 5, Scene 7, Macbeth encounters the witches for the final time. Disillusioned and filled with despair, he realizes that the witches have deceived him with their prophecies. Although I can't provide you with the exact quote you're looking for, I hope these steps will help you locate it within the play itself.