whats the synonym and antonym for privateers

Privateers are ships are sailors who sail on these ships.

Heres a another tip type in google and type privateers and you get a whole lot of synonyms because I just did that.

In the sea going word, the Privateer refers to the captain, who has been given a government commission to plunder enemy shipping. Commonly, the ship is called a privateer, but in fact, it is the Captain who has the commission. Synonyms are hard, he is a legal thief, or a legal pirate, but he is not in the Navy. He cannot plunder just any ships, he must do it to those of the enemy, or those ships which are carrying cargo to the enemy.

I cant think of single words to be synomyns, but "commerce raider" comes to mind as the best. For an antonym, that is even harder, but "neutral ship" or "neutral seafarer" is probably close to an antonym.
This was a hard assignment.

it was just on my home work idk

I was thinking it could be a rowboat (?) because it's a small boat, and not armed with any equipment. (antonym)

To find the synonym and antonym for "privateers," we first need to understand its meaning.

A privateer refers to a private individual or a ship authorized by a government during a war to attack and seize enemy vessels. Privateers act under a letter of marque and reprisal, which grants them legal authority to engage in acts of piracy against enemy ships.

Now, let's find the synonym and antonym:

1. Synonym: A synonym for "privateers" could be "corsairs" or "buccaneers." These terms are often used interchangeably to mean private individuals or ships authorized to engage in hostile activities against enemy vessels during times of war.

2. Antonym: The antonym, meaning the opposite of "privateers," would be "navy" or "naval forces." Navy represents the official military forces of a country, with warships and personnel operating under government orders and regulations, as opposed to privateers who operate independently or under private authorization.

Remember, using a thesaurus or conducting research can help provide a broader range of synonyms and antonyms for any given word.