In which city did jazz take hold? Why?

See the history of jazz in the link I posted for your other question.

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Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "jazz history" to get these possible sources:

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Jazz took hold in New Orleans, Louisiana. There are several reasons why New Orleans became the birthplace and the city where jazz flourished:

1. Cultural Fusion: New Orleans was a melting pot of diverse cultures, including African, European, and Caribbean influences. This cultural fusion created a unique musical environment that laid the foundation for jazz.

2. African-American Influence: The city had a significant African-American population, many of whom were descendants of slaves. African musical traditions, such as call-and-response singing, polyrhythm, and improvisation, played a crucial role in shaping the sound of jazz.

3. Brass Band Tradition: New Orleans had a long-standing tradition of brass bands, which provided a platform for musicians to showcase their talents and experiment with new musical ideas. These bands played a mix of European military music, African rhythms, and popular dance music, creating a distinct sound that would later be recognized as jazz.

4. Storyville: Storyville was a red-light district in New Orleans from 1897 to 1917. While it was known for its illicit activities, it also served as a haven for musicians, allowing them to perform and collaborate. This environment fostered the exchange of musical ideas, leading to the growth and development of jazz.

5. Improvisation: Jazz is known for its emphasis on improvisation, and New Orleans musicians played a significant role in developing this aspect of the genre. Musicians would often engage in impromptu jam sessions, experimenting with different musical ideas and creating spontaneous performances.

So, by combining diverse cultural influences, a strong African-American musical presence, a tradition of brass bands, a supportive musical community, and a focus on improvisation, New Orleans became the city where jazz took hold and thrived.