Best resource for finding places by

longitude/latitude on-ling

Find one that works best for you!


The best resource for finding places by longitude and latitude is an atlas or series of maps.

This site has excellent maps for this purpose.

When it comes to finding places by longitude/latitude online, one of the best resources available is the Google Maps website. Here's how you can use it to find places:

1. Open your web browser and go to the Google Maps website (

2. On the main page, you'll see a search bar at the top left corner. Click on it.

3. Enter the latitude and longitude coordinates of the place you want to find, in the format "latitude, longitude". For example, if you want to find a place with latitude 40.7128° N and longitude -74.0060° W (which is the coordinates for New York City), you would enter "40.7128, -74.0060" in the search bar.

4. Press Enter or click on the search button. Google Maps will then pinpoint the location you entered on the map.

5. You can zoom in or out to get a closer or broader view of the area. You can also explore the surroundings by dragging the map or using the navigation controls.

6. Additionally, you can click on the marker that appears on the map to get more information about the location, such as its name, address, reviews, and nearby places of interest.

Google Maps offers a user-friendly interface and provides accurate results for finding places based on latitude/longitude coordinates. It is widely used and trusted by millions of users worldwide.