Jim Cummins' intervention model offers solution that could reverse the academic failure experienced by the Puerto Ricans students in American school which have existed for generations. Assess their history of integration in American society and their present social status in the U.S. How are these related? what solution could be offer to improve the Puerto Rican people and their children present and future situation such as their lack of academic achievement and social upward mobility in the U.S? can it be changed? How? Explain.

What have you learned from your assigned reading about this intervention model for Puerto Ricans?

In the Deep Structure of Educational Reform Jim cummins present this model as a ways to reverse the history of academic failure experience by students from non-dominant group in general and student from involuntary group.

Jim Cummins' intervention model offers solution that could reverse the academic failure experienced by the Puerto Ricans students in American school which have existed for generations. Assess their history of integration in American society and their present social status in the U.S. How are these related? what solution could be offer to improve the Puerto Rican people and their children present and future situation such as their lack of academic achievement and social upward mobility in the U.S? can it be changed? How? Explain.

In the article, Deep Structure of Educational Reform Jim cummins present this Intervention model as a ways to reverse the history of academic failure experience by students from non-dominant group in general and student from involuntary group.

To assess the history of integration and present social status of Puerto Ricans in American society, you can follow these steps:

1. Research Puerto Rican migration: Understand the historical context of Puerto Rican migration to the United States. Look into factors such as early migrations, reasons for leaving Puerto Rico, and patterns of settlement.

2. Examine socioeconomic data: Analyze relevant statistical data to assess the social status of Puerto Ricans in the United States. Look at factors like educational attainment, employment rates, household income, and poverty rates. Compare these statistics with those of other ethnic groups.

3. Study discrimination and marginalization: Explore any evidence of discrimination or marginalization faced by Puerto Ricans in American society. This could include discriminatory practices in education, housing, employment, or access to healthcare.

4. Analyze educational achievement: Ascertain the trends in educational achievement among Puerto Rican students in American schools. Look at indicators such as graduation rates, standardized test scores, and college enrollment.

5. Examine social mobility: Assess the level of social mobility experienced by Puerto Ricans in the United States. Determine whether they have equal opportunities to advance economically and socially compared to other groups.

The relationship between the history of integration and the present social status of Puerto Ricans is complex. Historical factors, such as racism, economic challenges, language barriers, and educational disparities, have influenced their social status. Limited access to quality education, discrimination, and a lack of opportunity for upward mobility have contributed to the academic failure and lower social status experienced by some Puerto Rican individuals and communities.

One potential solution to improve the situation of Puerto Rican people and their children is implementing interventions that align with Jim Cummins' intervention model. This model emphasizes the importance of supporting bilingualism and multicultural education, as it recognizes the benefits of valuing and incorporating students' native language, culture, and identity into the learning environment.

To implement this model in the context of Puerto Rican students in American schools, the following strategies could be considered:

1. Bilingual education: Provide bilingual education programs that support both English and Spanish language development. This can help students maintain their native language while acquiring English proficiency.

2. Cultural awareness: Incorporate culturally relevant curriculum and teaching practices that acknowledge and celebrate Puerto Rican culture and heritage.

3. Teacher training and support: Provide professional development opportunities for teachers to learn strategies for effectively teaching students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

4. Parent and community involvement: Foster partnerships between schools and Puerto Rican families and communities. Encourage active participation and collaboration to support students' academic success.

5. Equity in educational resources: Ensure that Puerto Rican students have access to quality educational resources, including well-trained teachers, modern facilities, and appropriate learning materials.

Changing the current academic achievement and social upward mobility challenges faced by Puerto Rican individuals and communities in the U.S. is a complex and multifaceted task. It requires addressing both systemic issues and individual barriers. By implementing targeted interventions focused on language development, cultural awareness, and equity in resources, it is possible to provide a more inclusive education system that empowers Puerto Rican students, improves their academic achievement, and increases their social mobility.