A National Clash of Cultures

America had urban-rural culture wars in the 1920s. They had racial issues, teenage wrongs, and modern life cravings. This sparked issues during the clash of the cultures. Modern life cravings caused the people to keep on wanting, and to never be fully satisfied. The different traditions of immigrants caused the Ku Klux Klan to release a hatred towards the incoming groups. Wrongs in ones eyes is a right in another persons view, and this set off a war of opinions.
Modern life cravings caused people to never be fully satisfied. The letter to
George Wickersham discusses a mother that is scared because she fears that her efforts to raise her son to be an “honorable man“ were being corrupted by a foreigner and by ”rum“. The author wrote this letter so that George Wickersham could understand that the mother needs help in going against an Italian Joint. This document suggests that the immigrants are ruining kids. Perhaps the author is trying to tell us that we need to shut all of the immigrant places down. Orr Carey discusses how generations crave things. He wrote this document because he sees how the new generation is very unthankful. The author wrote this cartoon so that new generations could understand that we need to become more satisfied. This article suggests that modern inventions are taking over the mind. Perhaps the author is trying to tell us that the “toys” of the modern, younger generation represented many of the values which the traditionalists condemned.
The different traditions of the immigrants caused the Ku Klux Klan to release a hatred towards the incoming groups. “The Klan’s fight for Americanism” discusses how the KKK tried to defend traditional, rural values against the modern “strange” ideas coming from the urban Americans, and that they are Unhappy with the people who don’t stick with traditional Americanism. H.W Evans wrote this document because he is upset that “newer” people are ruining America. The author wrote this excerpt so that true Americans could Understand that we need to get our power back. This article suggests that the immigrants are to blame for changing the American tradition. Perhaps the author is trying to tell us that we need to get rid of the people with different traditions. The AAPA said “ excessive drinking among young people is a natural challenge of restraint.” they also said stated that prohibition discriminates between the rich and the poor.
Wrongs in one persons eyes is a right in another’s point of view. This set off a war of opinions. “Only Yesterday” ( an informal history of the 1920s) discusses the scopes “ Monkey Trial” of 1925 which was a significant episode in the urban-rural arguments of the 1920s. Frederick Lewis Allen wrote this document because he is telling us that they want to legally ban evolution from public schools. The author wrote this excerpt so that Americans could understand that they want the teachers to teach the Biblical creation story. Perhaps the author is trying to tell us that the traditionalists are accusing the modernist of being foreigners. This excerpt relates to “ Cook County Schools Chief Decries Young Peoples Activities” because it is another opinion war. “ Cook County Schools Chief Decries Young Peoples Activities” discusses how teenagers are about sex before marriage. Edwards Robin wrote this document because he’s disgusted at the destruction of human society. The author wrote this article so that the town could understand that teenagers are ruining society. This article suggests that teenage sex could destroy human society. Perhaps the author is trying to tell us that we need to stop it before it gets really bad. This article relates to the letter to George Wickersham because its about teenagers in bad situations. President Warren G. Harding commented on morality and prohibition enforcement saying “ it has become popular to attribute to the abnormal conditions that were incident to the war”. he also stated that the was not wholly to blame.


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During the 1920s in America, there was a clash of cultures that led to urban-rural culture wars. This clash was fueled by various factors, including racial tensions, disagreements about teenage behavior, and the desire for modern lifestyles.

To understand the causes and effects of this clash of cultures, we can look at different documents and articles from that time. One such document is a letter to George Wickersham, which expresses a mother's concern about her son being influenced negatively by foreigners and alcohol. The author of this letter suggests that immigrants are ruining children and proposes that immigrant places should be shut down. This highlights the fear and resentment towards immigrants and their impact on American culture.

Another document, written by Orr Carey, discusses how the younger generation craves more and is ungrateful. The author argues that modern inventions and material possessions are taking over the minds of the younger generation, which goes against traditional values. This article suggests that the younger generation's desires are leading to dissatisfaction and a lack of appreciation.

The Ku Klux Klan's perspective on defending traditional, rural values against the influence of urban Americans is discussed in the document "The Klan's fight for Americanism" by H.W Evans. The author expresses displeasure about how newer people are changing America and suggests that American traditions are being undermined by immigrants with different traditions. This reflects the KKK's hatred towards incoming groups and their desire to preserve traditional American values.

Furthermore, the article by the AAPA (American Association for the Advancement of Prohibition Administration) highlights the debate on prohibition and its impact on society. They argue that excessive drinking among young people is a natural challenge and criticize the discrimination between the rich and the poor when it comes to prohibition enforcement. This article represents differing opinions on morality and the enforcement of laws.

In addition to these documents, the book "Only Yesterday," written by Frederick Lewis Allen, discusses the "Monkey Trial" of 1925, which was a significant event in the urban-rural arguments of the time. The author suggests that traditionalists were accusing modernists of being foreigners and trying to ban the teaching of evolution in public schools. This highlights the conflicting views on education and religious beliefs.

To further exemplify the clash of cultures, the article "Cook County Schools Chief Decries Young People's Activities" by Edwards Robin focuses on the issue of teenage sexual behavior. The author expresses disgust at the perceived destruction of human society caused by teenagers engaging in premarital sex. This article demonstrates another aspect of the clash between traditional values and modern behaviors.

Lastly, President Warren G. Harding's comments on morality and prohibition enforcement acknowledge the societal changes and attribute them partly to the abnormal conditions that arose from World War I. He suggests that the war was not entirely to blame for the shifts in moral values and the challenges faced in enforcing prohibition.

Overall, the clash of cultures in the 1920s in America was driven by a multitude of factors, including racial tensions, changing behaviors of the younger generation, and the fear of immigrants and their influence on traditional American values. Analyzing various documents and articles from that time helps us understand the different perspectives and opinions that fueled this clash.