Could you tell me some words that start and end with the same letter.

I suggest you browse through a dictionary.

To get you started:


Thanks again!

You're welcome. :-)

wus up

Sure! To find words that start and end with the same letter, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by considering the English alphabet, which consists of 26 letters.

2. Choose a letter from the alphabet.

3. Identify words that start with the chosen letter by thinking of different words or consulting word lists or dictionaries. For example, if you choose the letter "A," you may find words such as "apple," "ant," or "apricot" that start with "A."

4. Once you have a list of words that start with the chosen letter, look for words that end with the same letter. For instance, if you have "apple" from step 3, you would check if "apple" ends with "e," but since it does not, it does not meet the criteria.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each letter of the alphabet, noting down the words that satisfy the requirement of starting and ending with the same letter.

Some examples of words that start and end with the same letter are "civic," "level," "deed," "refer," "noon," and "madam."