What does a negetive percentage error mean?

Yes. It simply means that your answer was lower than the correct amount. Just drop the negative.

Thanks :)

A negative percentage error means that the actual value is less than the estimated value, resulting in an underestimation. To calculate the percentage error, you need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the estimated value: This is typically the value you have calculated or predicted.

2. Determine the actual value: This is usually the true or measured value that you are comparing to the estimated value.

3. Calculate the error: Subtract the estimated value from the actual value. If the actual value is smaller than the estimated value, the error will be negative.

4. Calculate the absolute value of the error: It is important to take the absolute value to remove the negative sign. The absolute value of a number is the distance of that number from zero, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

5. Calculate the percentage error: Divide the absolute error by the actual value and multiply by 100 to get the percentage error.

If the percentage error is negative, it means that the estimated value is lower than the actual value. It suggests an underestimation or that the estimated value is too low.