Topic: what do u see in the future of washington (state)

My vision of the future Washington is merely an abstract idea. I wish to study Law and Political Science to eventually become some kind of activist, whether it is lobbying, or advocate in some trivial part-time organization. I believe Washington has so much potential too achieve success, many people just need a boost, and this is why people who are more fortunate than others should do whatever they can to help those in need, or contribute someway to the community.

I have to say, honestly, if you put this in your application, you have shot yourself in the foot. The first sentence is meaningless, of course vision is abstract. Goodness.

The second sentence want to study law and political science some trivial ...organization. I am certain they will cringe on reading that, why would the devote any time to helping some one advocate in a trivial organization. Do you know what trivial means?
The last sentence, all for fragmented sentences, makes no sense.
Fragment 1: you believe they have so much potential too <sic> achieve sucess. Do you think they think they have potential, or do you think they are achieving success. When you tell a college they have potential for success, it is an insult.
Fragment2: many people need a boost...what is the purpose of this? Of course it is true, but trite. Look that word up.
Fragment3: and this is ... who are your talking about? Washington state, or yourself? Who is fortunate, who is in need? It is not clear to me, and in fact, I don't see the point of it.
Fragement4: This makes no sense, do you mean those more fortunate should contribute positively to (what) community? What does this have to do with Washington State?

i agree with mr.bob

how about this?

I trust that this program will help me elaborate my ideas pertaining to the future of Washington. I wish to study Law and Political Science to eventually become some kind of activist, whether it is lobbying, or advocating in some small part-time organization that pertains to any of the topics discussed before: environmental, worldly, and philanthropic deeds.

This is very bad do it over

You only have two sentences. The last sentence is a run-on. You should separate the ideas into at least two sentences. You are trying to say too much in one sentence.

It's great to hear that you have a vision for the future of Washington state and that you're interested in studying Law and Political Science to make a positive impact. While I, as an AI, can't predict the future, I can provide you with a framework for exploring the future of Washington state based on various factors:

1. Economic Growth: Look at current and projected trends in industries that are thriving in Washington state, such as technology, aerospace, and agriculture. Consider how these industries might evolve in the future and the potential impact on the overall economy.

2. Social and Demographic Changes: Analyze population growth, migration patterns, and changing demographics in Washington state. Consider how these factors might influence social issues, cultural diversity, and community development.

3. Environmental Sustainability: Consider the impact of climate change and the efforts being made to promote environmental sustainability in Washington state. Look at policies and initiatives related to renewable energy, conservation, and environmental protection.

4. Political Landscape: Observe the current political climate in Washington state and consider how it might evolve. Research significant political issues, key leaders, and voting patterns to gain insights into potential future developments.

5. Infrastructure and Urban Development: Assess the state's transportation systems, urban planning initiatives, and infrastructure projects. Explore how these developments might shape the physical landscape, impact transportation efficiency, and influence the overall quality of life in Washington state.

Remember to gather information from reliable sources such as government reports, studies, and reputable news outlets to build a comprehensive understanding of the future possibilities for Washington state. By regularly monitoring these factors and analyzing their potential impacts, you can develop a more informed perspective on the future of the state.