What is te structure of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet 38?

This site will give you sonnet structure.

Use it to compare with Browning's poem.


To understand the structure of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet 38, we need to analyze its form and rhyme scheme.

Sonnet 38 follows the Petrarchan or Italian sonnet form, which consists of fourteen lines. These lines are divided into an octave (eight lines) and a sestet (six lines). The octave usually presents a problem or a question, and the sestet provides a resolution or a response to the problem presented.

In terms of the rhyme scheme, the octave usually follows an ABBAABBA pattern, while the sestet can have various rhyme schemes. However, it's crucial to note that Sonnet 38 deviates from the traditional Petrarchan sonnet structure in terms of its rhyme scheme.

Let's take a closer look at Sonnet 38 to understand its structure:

First, the octave (eight lines) of Sonnet 38 explores a thematic tension or conflict, typically revolving around love or a personal experience. The specific problem or question that Sonnet 38 puts forth can be found within these lines.

Next, the sestet (six lines) of Sonnet 38 offers a resolution to the problem or a response to the question raised in the octave. This section provides a deeper reflection, a shift in tone, or an emotional realization that resolves the tension.

It's important to mention that Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnets often incorporate enjambment, which means that a thought or sentence can continue from one line and extend into the next. This technique allows for a flow of ideas and enhances the overall structure and meaning of the sonnet.

Finally, to fully comprehend the structure of Sonnet 38, it is recommended to read and analyze the poem directly, paying attention to its rhythm, meter, and overall thematic progression.