
and the question is....?

you take your x value - 2 and then you will get your y value

ok lets say that x=32... y=30
cause you take y=32(x)- 2 = 30

The equation y = x - 2 represents a straight line in the Cartesian coordinate system. In this equation, 'x' represents the input or independent variable, while 'y' represents the output or dependent variable. The equation tells us that the value of 'y' is equal to the value of 'x' minus 2.

To plot this line, you can choose different values of 'x', substitute them into the equation, and then calculate the corresponding 'y' values. For example, if we assign 'x' a value of 0, we can substitute it into the equation:

y = 0 - 2
y = -2

This gives us a point (0, -2) on the graph. Similarly, by choosing other values for 'x', we can find additional points on the line. For instance, if we choose 'x' = 2, we get:

y = 2 - 2
y = 0

This gives us another point (2, 0).

By connecting these points, as well as any additional points you find, you can draw the line that represents the equation y = x - 2.