I am writing a paper and am stuck on one part can some give me an idea what i am needing.

paper in which you analyze the function of emotions as motive. Be sure to address the following items on your analysis:

This is the part I am stuck on

Analyze at lease two research methods used for uncovering basic emotions.

I know the classification such as evolution theory and facial expression but whatare they wasnting as far as research methods.
Please help

The so-called five methods:

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i have a paper due. the question is "psychology has a long past, but a short history." what does this mean?

Analyze at lease two research methods used for uncovering basic emotions related to motive

To analyze the function of emotions as motives and discuss the research methods used for uncovering basic emotions, consider the following steps:

1. Understanding basic emotions:
Begin by familiarizing yourself with the concept of basic emotions. Basic emotions refer to the universally recognized and experienced emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise.

2. Exploring research methods:
To analyze basic emotions, researchers employ various methods. Two common research methods used for uncovering basic emotions are:
a. Self-report/questionnaires: Researchers use self-report measures to gather data on the subjective experiences of individuals regarding their emotions. This method typically involves participants answering questions about their emotional experiences, intensity, and duration. Examples of self-report measures include the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) or the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ).

b. Behavioral observation: Researchers also use behavioral observation to study basic emotions. Observations involve coding and analyzing behaviors associated with specific emotions. This method involves collecting data by systematically observing and recording specific behavioral indicators for each emotion. Facial expressions, body language, vocal tone, and physiological changes (such as heart rate or skin conductance) are often assessed during behavioral observations.

3. Analyzing and discussing the research methods:
For each research method, analyze its strengths, limitations, and potential biases. Consider the reliability and validity of the measures and the generalizability of the findings. Discuss how the methods contribute to our understanding of basic emotions as motives and provide insights into their function.

4. Supporting your analysis:
While conducting your analysis, remember to support your arguments with relevant scholarly sources. Peer-reviewed journals, books, and reputable websites can provide valuable information on the research methods, theories, and findings related to the study of basic emotions.

By following these steps, you should be able to analyze the function of emotions as motives and address the specific research methods used for uncovering basic emotions in your paper.