How did the Erectus survive in the savannas?

(tell how did they hunt food, what tools did they use, what kind of food did they hunt or got, how did they live in the area like what kind of shelter do they live in, and how did they get their weapons, tools, and food.?)

Please help me find all of this.

You'll find a lot of information in this article.

Are there any other websites other than Wikipedia? But thanks ayways for this website.

I looked over the article and it was no use to any of my questions.

Are you sure you read this Wikipedia article carefully?

I've bold-faced the parts about the tools Erectus used.

" erectus used more diverse and sophisticated tools than its predecessors. This has been theorized to have been a result of erectus first using tools of the Oldowan style and later progressing to the Acheulean style. [9]The surviving tools from both periods are all made of stone. Oldowan tools are the oldest known formed tools and date to circa 2.6 million years ago. The Acheulean era began about 1.2 million years ago and ended about 500,000 years ago. The primary innovation associated with Acheulean handaxes is that the stone was chipped on both sides to form a biface of two cutting edges. In addition it has been suggested that erectus may have been the first hominid to use rafts to travel over oceans, however this idea is controversial within the scientific community.[10]"

To understand how erectus survived in the savannas, we can look at the available evidence from paleoanthropology and archaeology. Keep in mind that our understanding is based on the analysis of fossil remains, stone tools, and other artifacts left behind.

1. Hunting Food: erectus likely relied on hunting for food. They were skilled hunters and scavengers, targeting animals like elephants, rhinoceroses, buffalos, and deer. They used various tactics for hunting, such as using stones or wooden spears to injure or immobilize their prey, and then closing in for the kill.

2. Tools: erectus began using stone tools, specifically the Acheulean handaxe, which was a significant technological advancement. These tools were shaped by striking flakes off the stone, leaving a sharp and durable edge. They used handaxes for various tasks, including butchering animals, cutting vegetation, and digging.

3. Food Sources: Along with hunting, erectus likely gathered plant-based foods like fruits, nuts, seeds, and tubers. They may have also used fire to cook food, providing them with a wider range of dietary options and making digestion easier.

4. Shelter: While there isn't substantial evidence of their shelters, it is believed that erectus constructed simple structures like huts or lean-tos using wood and other available materials. These structures would have provided protection from the elements, predators, and created a sense of security.

5. Acquisition of Resources: erectus obtained the necessary resources for survival through a combination of hunting, gathering, scavenging, and using their stone tools. They often used their tools to butcher animals, process plants, and possibly create other tools.

It's important to note that our knowledge about erectus is continually evolving as new discoveries are made. Researchers use a combination of methods like excavation, comparative anatomy, and the analysis of fossil remains and artifacts to piece together an understanding of how these early humans lived.