If the area of the base of a cone is 25 pi square units, express the volume of the cone as a function of its height?

The volume of any cone is one-third area of the base times the height

To express the volume of a cone as a function of its height, we need to use the formula for the volume of a cone, which is given by:

V = 1/3 * π * r^2 * h

Here, V represents the volume, π is a mathematical constant (approximately 3.14159), r is the radius of the base of the cone, and h is the height of the cone.

To find the radius of the base, we can use the formula for the area of a circle, which is given by:

A = π * r^2

Since we know that the area of the base of the cone is 25π square units, we can set up the equation:

25π = π * r^2

To solve for r^2, we divide both sides of the equation by π:

25π/π = r^2
25 = r^2

Taking the square root of both sides gives us the radius:

r = √25
r = 5

Now that we know the radius, we can express the volume of the cone as a function of its height:

V = 1/3 * π * (5^2) * h

Simplifying this equation, we get:

V = 1/3 * π * 25 * h

So, the volume of the cone can be expressed as a function of its height (h) as:

V(h) = 25/3 * π * h