A great way to get to Vancouver, British Columbia, is by train.

Is 'train' the subject or "way" or even Vancover, BC? And is 'to get' or 'is' the predicate?
Thank you,

Answered below.

Thank you for your response, but I am still confused. I am looking for the simple subject (way?) and predicate (is).

Thanks in advance for your help!

You're right. The simple subject is "way" and the simple predicate is "is."

In the sentence, "A great way to get to Vancouver, British Columbia, is by train," the subject is "way." The word "way" is the noun that the sentence is focusing on. The predicate consists of the verb and the rest of the sentence. In this case, the predicate is "to get to Vancouver, British Columbia, is by train." Here, "to get" is an infinitive phrase that functions as the verb in the sentence, and "is" is the main verb that establishes the existence or identity of the subject.